Emergency Procedures

Emergency Contacts

Listed below are some important phone numbers in case of an emergency. In any emergency situation please contact the Property Management Office 770-232-6080 immediately after contacting the appropriate emergency service.

In any emergency situation your first action should always be to call “911”!

Police Department 911 or 770-730-5600
Fire Department 911 or 770-730-5600
Northside Hospital     911 or 404-851-8000
Saint Joseph’s Hospital   911 or 404-851-7500
Georgia Poison Control  404-616-9287
Property Management Office  770-232-6080
Building Security  770-232-6086

Important notes

If you call “911” for a medical emergency, please be sure to notify Property Management with your name, callback number, and location so that Security can guide the paramedics to the correct place.

In an alarm situation, unless you have something to report, please do not call the Management Office!  Property Management needs to attend to the situation, whether it is a false alarm or a true emergency, and telephone lines must be kept clear in the event of an emergency.